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Barrier-free access to the computer centre, workstations and toilets ZBarrier-free access



Barrier-free access

The wheelchair-accessible entrance to the computer centre is located on the east side of the computer centre, near the parking spaces at the correctional facility.



The card reader required to enter the lift is located on the left hand railing. After opening the door, you enter the lift, which serves all floors of the building. There is a telephone in the lift cabin for any emergencies.



There are special workstations for wheelchair users in the pools in the basement.



An accessible toilet is located on the ground floor on the west side next to the men's toilet.



Wheelchair users and other students or staff members with severe walking disabilities (registration number "B" , "Bl" or "aG" on their ID card) can have their Unicard activated to open the barrier-free doors and the lift.

On presentation of the disabled person's card, the secretary's office in the computer centre will make the necessary arrangements:

Tel.: 203 4653