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December 12: bwCloud Downtime due to hardware maintenance

Due to a hardware extension on November 5, the bwCloud SCOPE at the Freiburg location will be unavailable all day. The goal is to improve partial aspects (double power connection for server, fast flash-only-ceph for special use cases).
December 12: bwCloud Downtime due to hardware maintenance

Self-service cloud for the higher education institutions of Baden-Wurttemberg

Due to the new hardware delivery from November 5, there will be an all-day downtime at the Freiburg location of the bwCloud SCOPE. The other locations are not affected.

During this downtime, further steps in the hardware extension as well as maintenance work will be done. For this, some cabling has to be modified, which is why there will there will be some shutdowns in some places as well as for the reconfiguration of the then extended storage pool (additional eight 4TByte SSDs) for the Ceph backend. The  eScience department´s bwCloud team hopes to finish the job as quickly as possible in order to ensure a quick reboot.

All VMs should restart automatically. Nevertheless, the bwCloud team recommends that all users check their VMs.