2023-09-26 The production of UniCard Einrichtungskarten is possible again
As of now, Einrichtungskarten (unpersonalized UniCards) can be ordered again from the University Computer Center.
Since the old card production system had to be switched off for security reasons, only personalized UniCards1 could be produced for external process participants and guests over a longer period of time. For reasons of traceability, this method should continue to be preferred for the allocation of access authorizations.
As of now, however, facility cards (non-personalized UniCards) can be ordered again from the University Computer Center. The process is described at https://wiki.uni-freiburg.de/campusmanagement/doku.php?id=hisinone:bearbeiten:allgemein:unicardeinrichtungskarte2 (German only, Login with UniAccount required).
If you have any questions, please contact gaeste@unicard.uni-freiburg.de.