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2024-06-11 Workshops for lecturers ‘Designing appealing course rooms’ and ‘Intensive ILIAS tools’

The e-learning department is offering two workshops for lecturers on Fri 28 June, which can be attended individually or as a whole. Both workshops will take place in the University IT Services, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10, room 112 (1st floor).

In the workshop ‘Designing appealing course rooms’, we show various options and give tips on how to design course rooms on ILIAS in a way that is meaningful and conducive to learning and offer space to try out the applications. The workshop ‘ILIAS tools intensive’ is aimed at lecturers who would like to delve deeper into selected tools such as the learning sequence or the submission task.

Basic knowledge of ILIAS is a prerequisite for participation.

Both workshops are part of the edacticLab, but are open to interested lecturers. The number of places is limited to 15. Participants in the edacticLab will be given priority for a place.

Further information and online registration for the workshops can be found at (login with university account required)