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bwLehrpool - door signs and information boards (Update)

[Update] The functionality behind the bwLehrpool info screens can be used not only for door signs but also to search for currently free computer pool slots.

 A good way to use the info screen functionality are overview displays via large-screen display, as for example in Werthmannstr. 4. Another one is simple querying via browser.

Please let us know if you need an overview of a specific course room.

Biology Institute II


Deutsches Seminar




Kollegiengebäude II (KG II):




Rechenzentrum/University IT Services:


Unibibliothek (UB)/Library:


Werthmannstraße 4:


(Symbol legend: dark olive - switched off, green - switched on, red - occupied, grey - not on for more than 10 days.

The links are live, i.e. the contents are updated by the bwLehrpool system when there are changes in the allocation. By the way, more examples with calendar can be found in the ILIAS-WB admin forum)