bwLehrpool - door signs and information boards (update)
[Update 26.6.] The functionality behind the bwLehrpool info screens can be used not only for door signs but also to search for currently free computer pool places.
A good way to use this info screen functionality are overview displays via a large-screen display, as for example in Werthmannstr. 4, another one is simple querying via browser.
Please let us know if you need an occupancy overview of a specific course room.
Biology II
Deutsches Seminar
Kollegiengebäude II (KG II):
Rechenzentrum/University IT Services:
Unibibliothek (UB)/University Library:
Werthmannstraße 4:
Symbol legend: dark olive - switched off, green - switched on, red - occupied, grey - not on for more than 10 days.