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"Guideline - Responsible Handling of Research Data" with recommendation of the ALWR-BW and the AGBibDir.

The document of the FDM working group is now being passed on to the rectorates and presidia of the universities in Baden-Württemberg for implementation. It underpins the "Principles for Handling Research Data at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg" with the state perspective.
"Guideline - Responsible Handling of Research Data" with recommendation of the ALWR-BW and the AGBibDir.

Recommendation headline

In a collaborative effort by members of various universities in the state of Baden-Württemberg, the "Arbeitskreis Forschungsdatenmanagement" (AK FDM) has compiled a set of guidelines in which best practice recommendations are differentiated according to target groups. These recommendations were received with praise by the "Arbeitskreis der Leiterinnen und Leiter wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren" (ALWR-BW) and the "AG der Direktorinnen und Direktoren der Universitäts- und Landesbibliotheken Baden-Württembergs" (AGBibDir) as recommendations for the rectorates and presidia of the nine universities.
The heads of the faculties of the University of Freiburg have already received guiding questions in order to put the intra-university discourse on a common basis.
For this guideline, programmatically the license "CC BY. 4.0 International" was chosen.
If you have any questions about the recommendations, the university's principles, or practical questions about the processing and storage of research data, you can contact us by mail at or register in the discussion forum at