2023-10-16 10:36 am: Campus Management HISinOne response time problems at the start of lectures.
Not entirely surprisingly, there are delayed response times today when accessing the campus management system HISinOne. This is related to the many accesses at the start of lectures. The situation could be improved somewhat by restarting a server. However, load problems are still to be expected (also for the rest of the first week of lectures).
The computer center is monitoring the situation and will try to react quickly in case of major problems. However, a fundamental improvement during extreme load peaks, such as the start of lectures for the winter semester, is not expected until the new storage system has been installed. Currently planned for the beginning of 2024. Procurement is still ongoing.
Until then, we apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact cm@rz.uni-freiburg.de