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2024-09-04 11:54: Airfield power shutdown on 08 October 2024

#ufrstatus #stoerung #wartung Power shutdown at the airfield on 08 October 2024 from 08:00 to approx. 12:00

Power cut-off airfield LAB 102, LAB 103, TEC 104 and research building 106 Georges-Köhler-Allee

Due to maintenance and necessary inspection of the emergency generator on the main supply by the Technical Building Management (under real emergency conditions), the power supply in the above-mentioned buildings will be completely or partially interrupted

on Tuesday, 8 October 2024, from 8.00 a.m. to approx. 12.00 noon.

The interruption inevitably leads to impairment of the entire technical systems (e.g. failure of the chillers, ventilation systems, etc.). Furthermore, the compressed air, process water cooling and recirculating air cooling can only be used to a limited extent during the shutdown.

During the supply interruption, the absence of voltage in the electrical systems is not guaranteed.