You are here: Home News & Alerts Alerts and Malfunctions 2025-03-25 13:51: HISinOne Test1, …

2025-03-25 13:51: HISinOne Test1, Test2, Demo, Aufbewahrung - maintenance from Wed. March 26th from 4 PM until Fr. March 28th

#ufrstatus #wartung The HISinOne systems Test1, Test2, Demo and Aufbewahrung are not available from Wed. March 26th from 4 PM until Fr. March 28th due to necessary maintenance work. As a replacement for test systems, the training system is available.

As soon as the system is available again, we will post a corresponding message here.

For any questions feel free to contact us via our hotline

Thank you for your understanding!

Your HISinOne Team