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2024-07-02 08:25: bwSync&Share: Changeover to MS Office on 11.07.2024, 18:00

On this date, the word processing function in bwSync&Share, which is used to edit texts, spreadsheets and presentations, will be switched to MS Office Online. It will replace the previously used OnlyOffice on this date.

From this point on, documents open in MS Office. The storage of data remains as before, i.e. on KIT hardware. The licences are covered by the MS national contract. The previously applicable terms and conditions and data protection regulations remain unchanged. No data will be transferred to Microsoft. A new version of the order processing is not necessary.

The user interface in Office editing is that of MS Office. The user experience is new for those who have had no contact with MS Office products.

KIT is making the switch in order to modernise the infrastructure and improve operational reliability.

All users who are registered in bwSync&Share will be informed directly by the KIT as the operator by e-mail. Further information can be found on the bwSync&Share website at