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2024-09-06 09:45: Shutdown HIS SOSPOS/LSF as of 30/09/2024

#ufrstatus The old HIS SOSPOS/LSF campus management system will be shut down on 30 September 2024. At the request of the faculties and institutions, the University IT Services had previously ensured the continued operation of the old HIS SOSPOS/LSF campus management system at the expense of other tasks, although the Rectorate had decided to shut it down on 31 December 2021. The (partially restricted) continued operation was agreed with the HISinOne Advisory Board. It was also communicated there that the final shutdown will take place on 30 September 2024, particularly for security reasons.

The date communicated in the HISinOne advisory board is now imminent, and the University IT Services will proceed as follows:

  • HIS SOSPOS/LSF will be switched off on 30.09.2024 (already done for LSF for security reasons, access is still possible until 30.09.2024 if there is a justified need).
  • Before the shutdown, the old study programme data including final examinations will be migrated to a HISinOne archive system in step 1. This will be kept up to date in terms of security until the data is transferred to the university archive. Access is intended for the Service Centre Studies (SCS).
  • As soon as the content-related and legal requirements for archiving examinations and academic achievements have been finalised, this data will be migrated in step 2. The exact details still need to be clarified. It is highly likely that only the achievements themselves will be migrated.
  • According to current planning, steps 1 and 2 apply to all students who were not migrated to HISinOne at the end of 2012. The treatment of students who have been migrated to HISinOne but whose individual records are only available in SOSPOS is still open.
  • In addition to LSF, the GX programmes SOS and POS as well as the HISISY accesses are affected by the shutdown.
  • No data will be deleted on 30/09/2024. Deletion will only take place after complete clarification and implementation of the data transfer to the University Archive and consultation with the Department 1 Organisation responsible for BI/Statistics.
  • If faculties or institutions require access to data from SOSPOS from 1 October 2024 until it is available in the university archive, please send a specific request for each individual case to . The University IT Services will collect the requirements and look for solutions in coordination with the CIO and the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Teaching.