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Conference calls with the university's own resources are quick to set up and easy to use

Conference calls via our telephone system are quick to set up and easy to use. Please avoid using expensive external services such as 01805 toll dial-in numbers!

Capacity checks of university telephone extensions have shown that commercial, partly expensive 01805-services are being used for mere conference calls. This is completely unnecessary (and can be frustrating when these services are overburdened). Classical conference calls can be set up very quickly and easily within the university's own telephone system (Unified Communication).

The participants do neither have to be in the university telephone system nor do they have to use their office phone. They can dial into the central number from any device.

They are then asked to enter a PIN, which is used to assign them to a separate virtual conference call room and ensures that only the intended participants are present there.

The assignment of a conference call room including PIN can be reused any time, if further conference appointments are needed. You can meet again in your individual conference call room any time using the same PIN.

How to set up a conference call (voice only):

-    Write a short email to requesting a conference call.

-    Our technical team will set it up for you and provide you with a PIN, which you will need after dialing into the virtual conference room.

If you already have a license for using OpenScape UC, you can also use your UC interface to set up a conference call yourself.