Online meetings with Adobe Connect
Direct link to Adobe Connect:

Adobe Connect 11 (new version since January 2021)
Important note for users in a secured network environment - e.g. University Hospital
Adobe Connect, Freiburg University's virtual classroom, is a web-based audio- and video conference system with synchronous online meetings, for blended-learning scenarios, and online workshops.
With your UniAccount you can create and use an online meeting room.
Lecturers, participants, and guests can be invited to this meeting room. They only require a broadband internet connection, an updated web browser, a headset, and, optionally, a webcam.
Functions and advantages: overview
- Audio- / video communication and chat. Communicate in real time via headset, webcam, and chat.
- Sharing documents. Upload PowerPoint presentations, pdf files, multimedia data (images, audio, video) in your online meeting room and discuss them with participants.
- Monitor displays. Allow others to see your whole screen, a section, or a specific program on your computer.
- Collaboration. Collaboration tools, such as whiteboard, allow to work simultaneously on content in virtual workgroups.
- Recording and editing. Sessions in the virtual classroom can easily be recorded, cut, edited, and published subsequently.
- Mobile participation in meetings. Use your tablet or smartphone to participate in meetings.
- Integration into ILIAS. Meeting rooms and recordings can be integrated into courses and administered through ILIAS.
- Updated web browser
- Headsets for all participants, webcams are optional
- Broadband internet connection (recommended: DSL 6000 or higher)
- Uni-Account for employees for administration of meeting rooms (participants do not need special access rights)
Questions? Problems? |
Please visit our support website., 0761 203 4600 We are very happy to support you. |
Online-Hilfe und Videotutorials von Adobe
Die Universität Freiburg ist Mitglied in der deutschsprachigen Adobe Connect-Usergroup (D-A-CH). Ziel der Usergroup ist der regelmäßige Erfahrungsaustausch hinsichtlich technischer Administration, aber auch zu didaktischen Einsatzszenarien: Adobe Connect User Group
Questions? Problems?