Parallels for PhD students
The joint working committee of the PhD Conventions (short GAA) has procured some rental licenses of Parallels for MacOS. PhD students can borrow the software temporarily.
A total of 26 Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition are available for loan to PhD students at the university.
Parallels is a virtualization software for MacOS, which allows MacOS users to run Windows as a virtual machine while working on MacOS.
Who can borrow a license?
PhD students of the University of Freiburg can borrow a license from Parallels for the purpose of their PhD thesis.
Students and employees are excluded from this offer.
How do I get a license?
If you are interested, please write a mail to
To be able to book the license and to verify that you have a PhD status, please provide the following information:
- Which mail address should be used to link the license
- and attach your enrollment certificate or your registration.
How long can I borrow the license?
It depends on how long you need the license. Initially, the loan period is 1 year. If you need the license longer than that, email again and let us know that you need the license beyond that. Again, attach your current enrollment certificate or your registration.
If you need to return the license sooner, also briefly email or call. If the year is enough for you, you do not need to do anything else. The license will then be automatically withdrawn from you.
Will the loan cost me anything?
No, since the GAA financed the licenses for 3 years, the loan costs you nothing.
If you have any questions, please contact or Tamara Ursprung by phone 0761 203 4647.